urCollection App helps companies to improve the distribution of catalogs and business documents with sales team.
Sales and marketing software: urCollection
In the previous article we explained that it was a sales software and we listed the types that exist. In this article we want to describe something else about urCollection, not only as Document Management Software, but also on how we can take profit of [...]
What is Document Management Software?
A Document Management Software is a very useful tool to distribute and share business files and documents that need to be available to our team members. This type of tools helps to preserve, process, share, publish and manage large quantities of documents. Therefore, a Document [...]
Sales Techniques to build customer loyalty
To apply the sales techniques that are really useful to us, we must first know what a sales process is like and, specifically, what the sales process used by our company is like. Sales teams use sales techniques with the objective of increasing profits. [...]
Commercial Speech: What is it and can be done to improve it?
There are many kinds of commercial speech. It will depend on the sales channel to develop our commercial activity that will use one or other essential techniques to adapt the resources undertaken to improve the message. Influence on communication From primary school they teach us [...]
Montibello grows thanks to mobile apps
This is the Montibello success story, a company with more than 50 years of experience devoted exclusively to professional cosmetics products in Spain and Portugal, which has experienced an increase thanks to mobile apps. Montibello takes special care of its more than 300 employees, [...]
Protect your company’s documents: 5 (good) reasons
That documentation has become a first-rate business active is something that companies have increasingly consideration. Especially, in the case of that information listed as confidential: that whose revelation, modification, loss, elimination or leakage can damage the owner's organization. To protect the documents is, more [...]
All types of sales documents that urCollection allows
When you work with a cloud storage app, one of the most important points is that it must be compatible with our type of documents. Even more if the app, as in the case of this document manager, is related to the sales documents [...]
Take full advantage of urCollection’s analytics: your document manager
Have you ever wondered which is the most active sales force? And, what files are the most used during the sales visits? And which are the less? If you have a company with sales force, you surely have had these questions. The sales documents' [...]
Customize urCollection with your company’s colors
The markets' standard apps tend to offer some fixed parameters. As they are not custom-made, they are rigid apps in the visual aspect, which do not allow configuring the interface's image. This is not a problem for private users, but it can become one [...]
Improve documents’ organization: urCollection categories
Having our computer files well organized is essential to find them quickly when we need them. To obtain it, we classify them into folders and subfolders, assigning a representative name to each one that makes us remember what is stored in there. At the same [...]