Users are all workers who have access to urCollection; may it be to the app or to the administration’s control panel. In our document management program there are two types of user roles:
Sales Force: Those are who use urCollection in their mobile devices and utilize the sales documents for their daily tasks
Administrators: In addition to have the privileges of the sales force, they can also manage the app’s characteristics from the administration’s web panel. Users with administrator roles tend to be CEOs, Sales Directors, Marketing Directors or administrative staff of the company
We have to bear in mind that the first user that is going to be created will be the person who signs up for the first time in urCollection and he/she will always have administrator roles.
urCollection’s Users
1. Create a new user
To add and create a new user or administrator in our sales software, you have to access to the Users tab (located on the administration panel’s top menu) and click the Add User button. Once this is done, you’ll reach a configuration page where you must enter the following fields:
Email: Employee’s email address for whom we create the user account and that will be the same to access the app
Password: It can be chosen by the administrator or, if you prefer, you can send a configuration email to the new user so that he or she could define the password
Role: Define the functions that the new user will have. This user can have Sales Force/User roles, that are those who will use the app in their tablets; or Administrator roles, who in addition to use the app, can also configure the web panel’s parameters
Once the data is included, the new user will appear on the main screen of the top menu’s Users tab.
2. Edit an existing user
To edit the data of an existing user, you must access the Users tab in the portal’s top menu. Then, click on its email in order to edit the characteristics.
In addition to the three fields mentioned in the point 1 (Create a new user), you can also configure the following information:
User’s name and surname
Active: Decide whether that user is allowed to use the app or not
User Groups: Decide in what user groups a worker will belong
Once you will have all the fields configured you will only have to Save, so that all the changes will remain saved.
3. Delete a user
If you want to delete one or more users, you only have to select those you want to delete and from the Action section, located in the upper-left side of the screen, choose the Delete the selected users option and click the Go button.
urCollection’s User groups
1. Add a user group
Once you have created all the users who will use the app in our document manager, you can start grouping them in User Groups according to the documents they will have access or not.
To create a new User Group, click on the Groups tab on the portal’s top menu and press the Add Group button. Then, write the representative name for the new Group and accept to access a new screen from which you will be able to do the following:
Select Users: It allows you to select which users will define the new Group
Select Documents: It allows you to choose which documents, previously uploaded, will be seen in the devices of those workers who belong to this new group
Once these fields are defined you can Save it, and if you want to, create more User Groups. Once it is saved, this new User Group will appear on the main screen of the top menu’s Group tab.
“You must know that the same user can belong to different User Groups, thing that allows to have more flexibility to assign documents to the Sales Force and speed up the files distribution process”
2. How to edit user groups?
To edit the fields of an existing User Group, you must access the Groups tab in the portal’s top menu and click on the User Group’s name in order to set up its characteristics. In this screen, you can also modify the users who belong to this Group as well as the documents assigned.
Once all changes are done, click the Save button in order to save them.
3. Delete a user group
To delete one or more User Groups in urCollection, you just have to follow the same process required to delete Users. Select those you want to delete and in the Action tab click on the Delete the selected groups option. Then confirm the action by clicking on the Go button.
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